
Fire Door Inspections Made Simple

The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 made it a legal requirement from 23 January 2023 for responsible persons for all multi-occupied residential buildings in England with storeys over 11 metres in height to undertake fire door inspections which includes:


  • undertake quarterly checks of all fire doors (including self-closing devices) in the common parts.
  • undertake – on a best endeavour basis – annual checks of all flat entrance doors (including self-closing devices) that lead onto a building’s common parts.


The regulations also require responsible persons to provide to residents of all multi-occupied buildings with two or more sets of domestic premises (that have common parts) information on the importance of fire doors to a building’s fire safety.


In our latest video we show a quick and easy way to carry out fire door inspections, using our mobile apps and QR codes.


With the regulations stipulating quarterly checks of fire doors in common parts and annual checks of flat entrance doors, our software notifies you when the check is due and automatically sends jobs down to the relevant person to be complete using the mobile app.

Maintenance personnel can access the job details and documentation directly on their mobile devices, streamlining the inspection process.

QR Code Scanning: The innovative use of QR codes simplifies fire door inspections. Maintenance personnel can scan the QR codes on each fire door, instantly accessing asset details and inspection checklists on their mobile devices. This eliminates the need for manual entry and ensures accurate and efficient inspections.


Benefits of Mobile App:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Mobile apps enable real-time access to inspection schedules and checklists, facilitating prompt and accurate inspections.
  2. Improved Compliance: By automating inspection processes, our software ensures adherence to regulatory requirements, mitigating risks and liabilities.
  3. Comprehensive Documentation: Mobile apps enable maintenance personnel to document inspection findings and upload photos directly, ensuring thorough documentation and compliance records.
  4. Cost Savings: Streamlined processes and reduced manual efforts translate to cost savings for property managers and owners.


The integration of mobile apps and QR codes not only simplifies fire door inspections but also enhances overall fire safety compliance. By providing accessible and efficient tools for maintenance personnel, our software empowers responsible persons to uphold the highest standards of fire safety in multi-occupied buildings.


Our software offers a comprehensive solution to meet regulatory requirements, enhance efficiency, and ensure optimal fire safety in your buildings. Embrace technology to streamline fire door inspections and safeguard the lives and properties of residents.


Charlie Bown

Ex Facility Manager, I feel your pain!


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